ED Solutions d.o.o

Safe Food, your right

Mission statement

Align your supplier compliance with your accountability and create consumer trust using the ENSESO4Food Trakkey SaaS to provide food traceability and deliver low cost farm-to-fork visibility.

Vision statement

Transition your supply chain from reactive to proactive compliance with accurate actionable traceability information. A proactive supply chaiin reduces recall response time, improves quality, reduces costs, drives consumer satisafaction.

Brand promise

We collaborate, not compete. Our job is to get your systems ready for FSMA204 and lay the groundwork for your customer’s emerging supply
chain needs.


Traceability Solution from Winners of FDA Food Traceability Challenge

Join the Trakkey community and experience the simplicity, power, and affordability of Trakkey CS. Download our app today and be ready for FSMA 204.

“It’s everything you need.”

US FDA Food Traceability Challenge Winner

Simplicity of Implementaion – “Connectivity Empowered”

Robust, developer-friendly interfaces with proven and powerful services in serialization and traceability.

Full Compliance with FSMA 204

ENSESO4Food’s Trakkey CS enterprise traceability system ensures full compliance with FSMA 204 regulations.

Cost Effectiveness and Market Readiness

ENSESO4Food offers a cost-effective solution with low operational costs, thanks to our mature and proven solutions. Our system is proven and ready to go to the market.

It’s all about consumers

Tehnologija brzo napreduje. Tržišta se otvaraju sve više i više. Komercijalne granice nestaju. Brzi protok informacija i robe nije u ravnoteži s jednakom zaštitom potrošača. Treba poduzeti nove korake. Industrije moraju ublažiti potencijalne probleme. Sljedivost je jedan od moćnih alata koji pruža koristi podjednako proizvođačima i potrošačima.

Prehrambena Industrija

Via the Internet, the world is constantly in touch with its food, virtually instantly. Yet it seems we still frequently hear of food “incidents.” No one is immune. Today, more than ever, consumers are sensitive about their food, and producers will be in a position to use evolving technology to improve food safety. Regulations, both formal and informal; e.g., FSMA 204 or the PTI initiative in the US, are defining an acceptable framework for producers. Consumers need better and simpler access to straightforward communication; those who don’t provide it will be at competitive disadvantage.

Industrija pića

Vino i alkoholna pića posebno trpe posljedice krivotvorenja. Loša kvaliteta ili još gore, unos opasnih tvari, često uzrokuju nepovratnu reputacijsku štetu. Verifikacija robne marke beskompromisnom sljedivosti i dokaz o manipuliranju ambalažom pružaju sloj jamstva potrošačima da je proizvod originalan i u originalnoj ambalaži. Digitalno-fizičko sučelje s proizvodom stvara personalizirani odnos 1: 1 između robne marke i potrošača. Donesite samo svoj pametni telefon.

Wine Industry

Wine traceability is the ability to track and trace a wine’s journey from grape to glass. As consumer demand for transparency and authenticity grows, wine traceability is becoming increasingly important. It is a powerful tool for protecting consumers, enhancing industry reputation, and promoting responsible wine production.

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